Saturday, March 28, 2009

T-minus 49 hours, 37 Minutes and Counting

Well, a little over 2 days to go until I have something to keep me occupied again. Yup, ScriptFrenzy is just around the corner! I'm a little worried about my idea this year, seeing as in I haven't done much planning, and scriptwriting is one of my weakest areas, besides my history class. but hey, that's what these events are for, right? Testing unknown waters and getting out of the good ol' comfort zone.

I kind of indulged on my love for Lord of the Rings and Atlantis in my idea this year. Maybe a little bit of Eragon, even. Dragons, middle ages kingdoms, strange gems that keep people alive and help healers, the usual.

I'm kind of pumped as well though. Last year, my script was a spinoff of the Discovery Channel show Deadliest Catch, and this year my idea is completely original. That means I have compelte control and liberty over everything, but it also means a lot of pointless details and having to worry about keeping things consistent. I'm also playing around with the idea of creating my own language. Or I might just cheat and use Tolkein's elvish for the first draft. It's not like this script is ever going to see the light of day afte April anyway...

I'll be even more busy this April than I was last year or during NaNo. My friends and I are planning a brenefit rock concert in the name of a friend who died of an epileptic seizure last october. There's shopping, scheduling, decorating and everything else galore to be done for May 16th, the day of the concert. I welcome the work load though. Even my teachers say I work best under pressure, so this April should be wild and wonderful. Actually, I'm planning the entire week of the concert. Monday is the AP Music Theory test, then Wednessday, Thursday and Friday is a 6th grade camp/field trip I plan to be a counselor for. That Friday when I get home is Jr/Sr prom, and then the next day is the concert.

Well, I don't have much else to say. I just wanted to drop in and get my intro to ScriptFrenzy post up. More to come when the Screnzying commences in just 49 more hours!


Sunday, November 30, 2008

Oh The Sweet, Sweet Taste of Success...

Well, Lynn did it. At 2 AM Sunday moring, 30th of November, she passed the 50,000 word mark of NaNoWriMo.

And then promptly rewarded myself with cookie dough and sleep. I intend to get another thousand or so today, to make it looke good, but I'm just glad I finished. To all those NaNo-ers out there who have finished or will by midnight tonight, congrats. Not many can do what we do!

Now I have the biggest urge to go back to plotting, character development, and making trailers and what not for See It through. I've written some of the major scenes, after I gave up on writing the story in chronological order. So far I have from the beginning up until the crew lands on the first planet and Ian, Rei, and Silver go around ordering supplies for the rest of the trip. Then the story skips to the longboat ride the three take together and continues through Mr. Arrow's death, and the tender scene between Ian and Rei when Ian is blamed for the First Mate's fate. THen comes a small snippet of Ian describing the glories of his older brother to Rei, and then it switches to when Rei gets sick after the doctor, captain and the two teens crash land on the disappearing planet, and goes through until the point where Ian begs Rei to not die and to "see it through" after meeting Ben and finding a place to hide.

And that's where the story leaves off. In the next month, I plan to add in the rest, anbd hopefully get to write the epic ending that I'm so anxious to write.

The only thing I'm dreading is what my English teacher will say. I get extra credit for completing NaNo, but only if she gets to read my work. And anyone who knows me can testify that letting others read my work is the the I hate the most. Especially when my writing is in a bunch of shattered incoherant pieces like it is now.

But meh, I think that's all i have to say for now. I'll check in later.

Bye bye for now,

Monday, November 3, 2008

Monday Blues, NaNo Progress, and a Stalker

Hey there, Lynn's back again. I'm really proud of myself for posting this much on a blog in such a short time period. Well, the NaNoing goes well, I guess. Right now i have around 6,000 words, which is fine if my goal were the usual 50,000. But my goal this year is a tentative 100,000, which means I should have 10,000 by now [3,333 words a day]. I'm hoping I can at least reach 7,000 or 8,000 by the end of tonight, but the whole 'Monday sucks' feeling is just zapped my willpower to do anything. I seriously had to stop myself from watching Mulan 2 instead of writing. Even now I am sitting here procrastinating on this stupid blog. Oh well, I know it's a lame excuse, but I have all of tomorrow off, due to elections taking place at my school. Seems like nowadays, politics is only good for getting me out of school.

In other news, Lynn has a stalker. My friend Sam has been telling me about him for the past month now, but since he's sort of her friend, she's promised him not to tell me who he is. I found out though. I was at a school pep rally/bonfire thing last thursday night, since the band had to play for it, and by bff stephen leans over to me in between songs and says "That guy over there just took a picture of you with his phone" Knowing full well I had a stalker, I looked over, and there was a guy standing there with his phone out. Slightly skeptic, I merely kept my eye on him. He was easy to pick out from the crowd, he had on bright red gloves. Something just told me it was him, and then the band had to move to be able to see our music and our drum major. I saw him a couple times that night at the bonfire, and I think we made eye contact once or twice. He was always the first to look away.

So then after the stupid bonfire, we all walked back to the school to put our instruments away, and I was only of the last to leave. I had just left the band room when he came in the school's entrance doors. I looked up imediately, but it was too quick for me to show any sort of reaction. The kid had just come in the door, and as soon as he saw me, he did a one-eighty and casually walked back out the doors. Slightly surprised, I went back into the band room and hung around for a few minutes, since a few of my friends were still there.

And then Satdurday rolled around, which meant football playoffs and another halftime show. The game went really well, and we won 20-11, so we were all happy. The band marched down to the main stands to play post game [we sit in the end zone, rather than in the fan stands] and lined up in concert position ready to play. And guess who was on the other side of the fence watching us? Yup, him. Stephen actually noticed him before I did. He's just like "OH MY GOD your stalker's back!"

Stephen is actually more freaked out about my stalker than I am. As weird as it sounds, I'm kind of enjoying the attention. Certainly not him taking pictures of me and posting them in his room, as I'm told, but him coming to games and watching us, namely, me, perform. My parents don't come to the games, so it feels like I have my own personal fan. And then Saturday I found out that my other friend, Jessica is friends with him. She was on tech crew with him last year, and he seems like a pretty ok guy. I know his name now, and I'm not really bothered by it all that much. It'd be nice if he could just talk to me if he wanted to know me, but meh, to each his own. As long as he doesn't get violent or anything, I'll let it go for now.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween! T-Minus 8 Hours Until NaNo!

Happy Halloween everyone!

Lynn is so excited, and not just for Halloween. Guess what starts tonight at midnight? NANOWRIMO! It's seemed like an eternity, waiting for NaNo to role around, but it's finally almost here!

In regards to the short horror story we had to write for english, it went decently, I suppose. The teacher ended up giving us a 5-page maximum requirement, so I had to cut a lot of stuff out. But hey, you know what the writing worlds says. You have to "murder your babies" I would post it on here, but I think after pollishing it up, I'll submit it to see if I can't get it in some literary magazine in the near future.

And as far as NaNo goes, I'm wanting to double the insanity this year. The requirement for NaNo is 50,000 in 30 days. This year, only my second year, I want to do 100,000. This is because the main story I intend to work on should be done in about another 75,000 words. In adition to that, I was just struck a week or two ago with a fabulous idea and I want to get as far into that in one shot as humanly possible, hence the 100,000 word goal this year. Though the extra 25,000 of the new story is not that big of a deal, I do intend to finish See It Through by the end of November. I have the ending perfectly planned out, which has never happened to me before, and I want to take full advantage of that. Plus Lynn has to write things in chronological order, so she can't just skip ahead and write the end now. I have to get to know my characters way more before I can hope to portray them perfectly in the exact situation I plan to end the story with.

But yeah, I'll be fidgiting all night long as I sit around the fire with my folks handing out candy and waiting for midnight to roll around. And tomorrow, before the playoff game, my two NaNo friends and I are having our own little "write in" at our local Starbucks. Mom's even letting me hijack her laptop, so I should be able to get a lot done, both with the laptop and dangerous amounts of coffee and Halloween candy.

In closing, happy Halloween again and wish me luck when the clock strickes 12:00:01!


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Step by Step, Heart to Heart

Hey, how goes it? Well, it's been a few days since my last post, and I'm sitting around doing nothing, so I decided to log on. Only 23 more days until NaNo; I'm so excited! As a pre-NaNo celebration, one of the forums I'm on is hosting a bunch of little competitions during this month and next month. The Halloween competition has already given me some great inspiration; the challange is to write a short story about what your NaNo characters would do on halloween. The minute I read this prompt, I came up with an ingenious idea. Ian, being the troublesome little brat he is, insisted upon playing a huge Halloween prank on his older brother, Nick, who in the short story, will be living in an apartment on the other side of town. He drags Rei along, and though his ingenious prank has yet to be revealed to me *ahem* it involves fake blood and a various asortment of odd clues and weapons. However, when they get to Nick's place, the end up finding him dead in the bathroom, which is coated in blood with a message on the mirror. They start freaking out, and then find themselves locked in the apartment on the 5th floor. I might have them escape by shimmying down a tree, only to be contacted [or chased] by Nick. In the end, it was all a huge prank, set up by Nick and one of his friends. This infuriates Ian, who has always been on the receiving end of Nick's jokes, and leaves Rei shaken andjumpy for at least a few days, but it's all in good fun.

I can't wait to start writing this, and as an added bonus, I can use this story for an English class assignment, because the assignment is to write a short horror story for one of our units.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Calendars, Banners and NaNo, OH MY!

Hey all, I actually decided to post again this year! So Lynn has been busy distracting herself with various projects as she anxiously counts down the days until NaNo. belonw are some of her completed projects:

Friday, September 26, 2008

NaNoWriMo '08 Baby!

So yeah, I didn't write much last year. Period. Not during NaNo, not ever. I'd like to say I'm going to change that, but I'm not going to make promises I doubt I'll keep. But anyways, it's a little over a month until National Novel Writing Month starts up again. This will be my second year, and I think I'm a lot more prepared for it than I was last year. I have also convinced my awesome writer friend Julia to do this insane project with me. We both did ScriptFenzy for the first time in April this year, and decided to go at NaNo the same way.

And my story this year? Well, let's just say that I've been watching Disney's Treasure Planet WAY too much lately. My story is close enough to be a parody [without the funny of course, because Lynn epicly fails at literary humor] and the main difference is that the male MC has a love interest. This is basically Lynn writing herslef into Treasure Planet, since her favorite character and obsession is Jim Hawkins. I am however adding a plethora of new material to the story, and making it darker and less Disney, to the the joy of everyone on the planet I'm sure. They're still "traversing the entire galaxy" on their hero's journey in 17th century rocket propelled gallions, but Lynn's just happy that she's de-Disney-ing an amazing story.

The main plot follows as such: instead of the MC being the angsting teen Jim Hawkins, it is a young female teen who loves life and above all, reading. She stumbles across a book that transports her into another word. This is where the angsting Jim-character is cued in. The two end up sailing across the galaxy, Rei, the female MC to find out how to get back home, and Ian, the angsting male MC, to find his long lost brother, who ends up being the antagonist. Much of the book takes place on the ship that they are sailing on, because the journey takes them a couple of months. Through this time, the two teens, both employed as "cabin-brats" on the ship, get to know each other better and ultimately end up-you guessed it-falling in love. But they realize this only after an epic battle, Ian nearly dieing, and Rei actually being sent back to her world in the middle of the climax and fighting. Some sappy stuff happens after Rei finds a way to return to Ian, including Ian's brother becoming good, Rei refusing to leave Ian's side, and a repaired relationship between Ian and his brother.

The part I love the most and find ingenious is the very end. But I'm not going to tell it here, despite the fact that I know no one reads this blog. I love the ending so much; Lynn has never before had an actual ending to anything she writes. Not a good ending anyway. In another book she's working on, Lynn had to plan out an entire sequal to the original because she could not, for the life of her, give it a just ending. And in the end she ends up killing off her favorite main character anyways, so it's all just one giant pile of epic fail.